
This provides an implementation of the ec_dictionary type using erlang dicts as a base.

This provides an implementation of the ec_dictionary type using erlang dicts as a base. The function documentation for ec_dictionary applies here as well. see ec_dictionary see dict


dictionary(_K, _V) = dict()


new() -> dictionary(_K, _V)

has_key(Key::key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(K, _V)) -> boolean()

get(Key::key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(K, V)) -> value(V) (see module ec_dictionary)

get(Key::key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), Default::value(V) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(K, V)) -> value(V) (see module ec_dictionary)

add(Key::key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), Value::value(V) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(K, V)) -> dictionary(K, V)

remove(Key::key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(K, V)) -> dictionary(K, V)

has_value(Value::value(V) (see module ec_dictionary), Object::dictionary(_K, V)) -> boolean()

size(Object::dictionary(_K, _V)) -> non_neg_integer()

to_list(Data::dictionary(K, V)) -> [{key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), value(V) (see module ec_dictionary)}]

from_list(List::[{key(K) (see module ec_dictionary), value(V) (see module ec_dictionary)}]) -> dictionary(K, V)

keys(Dict::dictionary(K, _V)) -> [key(K) (see module ec_dictionary)]

Eric Merritt
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